Sunday 25 November 2007

Parental access to VLE and MIS

After the ECIS conference on Friday I came away with a couple of insights.

Firstly we do not have a Management Information System (MIS) that is in any way helping us as teachers in the school. I have previously used one called ePortal. provided by a company called SERCO and it was excellent and I will be trying to twist some arms in management to get this installed. Me and Rafa have already discussed on moodle my hopes and fears on this one.

At the moment I am looking into using something called FREEMIS, which is presently used in one or two schools in the UK. BECTA has recently discussed the importance of a decent MIS in schools and it is vital we get this right first time. My money is on the SERCO product actually.

However, their VLE is crap.

Anyway, after looking at some VLEs on the market and also at some MIS's I realised that we were missing one thing.

We were missing the parental link, which both SERCO and a VLE called studywiz provide.

I wonder if there is any way to include parents into this loop and if so, I think that a presentation to interested parents would serve much better than a letter home, or both should be considered in series. I would be happy to present, and I presume that you Rafa would be translating/presenting.

How do you feel on this issue Rafa?


Marci said...

There's a Moodle plugin for Serco Facility / ePortal which could help you get round Serco's lack-of-VLE issue...

Andytgeezer said...

Thanks Marci

I'll look into it