Friday 26 October 2007

A step back

I think over the last few days we both got a bit carried away trying to invent a structure that would accomodate all other members of our Department and even beyond. This is extremely valid, but it is taking a lot of our efforts and at least I know I am not focusing enough on preparing a decent pilot test for my current students.

I believe we should stop for a while and reconsider our timescale for deployment. Here is a proposal:

Phase 1: Andy and Rafa create a basic working structure and prepare full content for ONE unit for each of their Physics courses. In the process, we share resources and record problems we or the students encounter in the handling of the site. The process is fully documented (hence this blog) and students are asked to feed back at the end of the unit. Timescale: however long one unit takes (5 weeks?)

Phase 2: The results of the pilot group are shown to the Science Department (possibly at an INSET) and to relevant members of SMT (Aiden McCoy for accreditation in the TLA scheme?). The structure is made available to other willing members of Science, while we continue to develop our own resources and assisting others in their course creation. Timescale: to be decided (a term? half a term?)

Phase 3: Once a solid structure is in place for the Science Department, the VLE is shown to other members of staff, particularly SMT and IT Administration. If the project is to be used school-wide, it will have to be a school-wide decision and probably cannot run on a private server like scienceheaven. It will then be up to school leaders to decide on the implementation of the whole thing; if they don't want to go the full route but don't object to us doing it, we continue working our ways smoothly and quietly. Timescale: what is the age of the Universe again?

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