Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Marking and the gradebook

In order to facilitate a useful and meaningful markbook on moodle I have found that I have had to change my marking tactic from an A-E grade to a 1-10 grade. This means that the marks fall more in line with the final test marks. The reason I say this is because the default marking numbers are out of 100 and if this is put into the markbook the pupils will have an unnaturally skewed mark, leaning very heavily towards classwork at the end of a unit. If perhaps we had 8 exercises of 10 marks then the end unit test of 30 marks then at least the pupils have a fair chance all roundánd the markbook doesn't look all funny if ya know what I mean

1 comment:

Sabir Leafar said...

However, Andy, if you enable advanced options in your gradebook, you can do two things there:
1. Give each graded item a weight, to avoid the skewing.
2. Have a letter-conversion system. I have not tried that out yet, but it seems to take limiting values and do a sort of lookup.

Finally, there are also extensions to the gradebook in the Moodle page that can sort this problem...