Friday, 14 December 2007

A KS3 Scheme of Work in development

Following the appointment of our new KS3 Coordinator, I have been thinking about how to use moodle to facilitate the planning and coordination of KS3.

So far, I have created the Years 7 and 8 courses as they are and have uploaded all teh files onto the courses, so if you look in the back of the courses, all the files are ready to go and be imported to wherever the new scheme says they should.

I have in mind an entirely electronic version of the scheme of work, which has all the lessons planned and ready to go, purely as a teacher reference guide.

The planned outlay will be a Main electronic scheme of work in the topic zero which hyperlinks to every lesson in the unit, through which the teacher can open any lesson and any worksheet required, with alternate routes for differentiation etc.

I will be creating an example of one course scheme for you to see soon. Watch that space

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