There is a new reasonably stable release of moodle out called 1.9. I want to test run it on the Los Alamos site. I'll back everything up first.
Any objections?
Monday, 31 December 2007
Friday, 21 December 2007
Oh bugger - Themes issue
I have just installed the 'Funky' theme on Los Alamos and the damn thing disables all buttons, so I can't change it back!
Looking around the site, it appears that no courses were harmed and I will sort this out soon. sorry about the tacky theme guys, normal service will be resumed shortly...
Looking around the site, it appears that no courses were harmed and I will sort this out soon. sorry about the tacky theme guys, normal service will be resumed shortly...
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Oh. My. God. I've solved it! It's REAL!
I just mentioned in passing this morning to a friend that I had been up late last night trying to work out how to download videos and she said that she had worked it out last night herself, totally independently.
Get this.
It's THIS easy....
Download the latest version of Realplayer, install it, and go to youtube.
In youtube, once you've found a video that you want to see like this one
or this one
just hover over the video and realplayer gives you the option to download the video!!!!!!!!!
and just for effect....
and you know what's even cooler?
You don't even have to go to youtube, it works on the embedded videos like erm... this one
Try it!
It's only 10:30 on saturday morning and I already feel like I've solved a small amount of the worlds problems.
Get this.
It's THIS easy....
Download the latest version of Realplayer, install it, and go to youtube.
In youtube, once you've found a video that you want to see like this one
or this one
just hover over the video and realplayer gives you the option to download the video!!!!!!!!!
and just for effect....
and you know what's even cooler?
You don't even have to go to youtube, it works on the embedded videos like erm... this one
Try it!
It's only 10:30 on saturday morning and I already feel like I've solved a small amount of the worlds problems.
Video Library issues - legal and technical issues
The first concern is legal, but I have covered this by mentioning that the site is only going to be for teachers to access the videos, and perhaps to make them available to the pupils to download for learning. I believe that this shouldn't cause too much trouble.
Technically I have already encountered the first issue with the use of a video library. The maximum upload is set by default at 8mb and the server I currently have is not going to be big enough if we start to upload a lot of videos. For a real video library to work I will need to splash a bit more cash out and go for the package one or two steps up from the one I have.
I can change the maximum upload size and retain the maximum upload size for pupils as is, so that isn't a problem. I will change the maximum upload size on Los Alamos now to try and accomodate the extra space needed for video and we'll see if this works.
NOTE TO SELF FOR LATER: Ensure that the setting for the main site is changed to accomodate files larger than the present 8mb limit.
Technically I have already encountered the first issue with the use of a video library. The maximum upload is set by default at 8mb and the server I currently have is not going to be big enough if we start to upload a lot of videos. For a real video library to work I will need to splash a bit more cash out and go for the package one or two steps up from the one I have.
I can change the maximum upload size and retain the maximum upload size for pupils as is, so that isn't a problem. I will change the maximum upload size on Los Alamos now to try and accomodate the extra space needed for video and we'll see if this works.
NOTE TO SELF FOR LATER: Ensure that the setting for the main site is changed to accomodate files larger than the present 8mb limit.
Well bite me - I've nearly worked out how to get around our youtube issue!
I've been poking around on the net for a way to circumvent our 1985 mytube system. A simple search done by typing in "Youtube Downloader" into The Answer Machine turned up this little beauty
Yes it DOES deserve it's own line. In theory, this little baby does exactly what we've been after all year. It takes a youtube video and converts it into a MP4 for playback on Windows Media Player and I-pods!!!!! I have had trouble with the AVI converter, and MP4 doesn't play as standard on windows media player I think, so we'll have to check it out on the school computers before we can safely say that we have kicked the arse of this particular beast, so there are still some gaps that need to be filled before we can go into a class and not f*ck around waiting for 40 minutes for that precious 50 second video in class while the class sits laughing at your apparent IT incompetence.
I've been trying it out with this tasty guitar solo piece by the little Korean Funtwo and now my ears ache after having converted this to MP4, MP3 and various other formats and blasting my brains out with guitar madness!!!
Yes it DOES deserve it's own line. In theory, this little baby does exactly what we've been after all year. It takes a youtube video and converts it into a MP4 for playback on Windows Media Player and I-pods!!!!! I have had trouble with the AVI converter, and MP4 doesn't play as standard on windows media player I think, so we'll have to check it out on the school computers before we can safely say that we have kicked the arse of this particular beast, so there are still some gaps that need to be filled before we can go into a class and not f*ck around waiting for 40 minutes for that precious 50 second video in class while the class sits laughing at your apparent IT incompetence.
I've been trying it out with this tasty guitar solo piece by the little Korean Funtwo and now my ears ache after having converted this to MP4, MP3 and various other formats and blasting my brains out with guitar madness!!!
Friday, 14 December 2007
A KS3 Scheme of Work in development
Following the appointment of our new KS3 Coordinator, I have been thinking about how to use moodle to facilitate the planning and coordination of KS3.
So far, I have created the Years 7 and 8 courses as they are and have uploaded all teh files onto the courses, so if you look in the back of the courses, all the files are ready to go and be imported to wherever the new scheme says they should.
I have in mind an entirely electronic version of the scheme of work, which has all the lessons planned and ready to go, purely as a teacher reference guide.
The planned outlay will be a Main electronic scheme of work in the topic zero which hyperlinks to every lesson in the unit, through which the teacher can open any lesson and any worksheet required, with alternate routes for differentiation etc.
I will be creating an example of one course scheme for you to see soon. Watch that space
So far, I have created the Years 7 and 8 courses as they are and have uploaded all teh files onto the courses, so if you look in the back of the courses, all the files are ready to go and be imported to wherever the new scheme says they should.
I have in mind an entirely electronic version of the scheme of work, which has all the lessons planned and ready to go, purely as a teacher reference guide.
The planned outlay will be a Main electronic scheme of work in the topic zero which hyperlinks to every lesson in the unit, through which the teacher can open any lesson and any worksheet required, with alternate routes for differentiation etc.
I will be creating an example of one course scheme for you to see soon. Watch that space
The library
Rafa, you mentioned that the library would be interested in any potential VLE applications.
Any ideas on this? I am thinking the database module here, but I still don't know what it does
Any ideas on this? I am thinking the database module here, but I still don't know what it does
Video Archive as an external library
My vision is that the video archive is actually external to the science site and that all teachers have access to it, as some videos may well be of benefit to a large number of subjects. I hope that this will then easily make the system accessible to external departments (and in turn we can nick some of theirs...)
Obviously there will be some copyright issues, but this is an entirely closed system and no-one else can access this without password.
We need to find out how to get this youtube downloader too
Obviously there will be some copyright issues, but this is an entirely closed system and no-one else can access this without password.
We need to find out how to get this youtube downloader too
A video archive
It struck me today on the way home that we have a massive issue with the videos in the department and I thought that, on top of giving myself the whole of KS3 Quizstar to do I might as well set up another major digitisation project/computing shiftover.
The issue is this: At present the science department has a bunch of videos on VHS (Yes it IS 1985) and we have this really quaint cabinet that gets wheeled around. The kids laugh their heads off when we get this thing out and some of us get a nice retro feeling (embarrassment actually) in our stomachs.
The solution? Well erm...we have these bloody huge white boards in the front of every classroom. You might have seen them. Apparently they replaced blackboards some time in the future. And APPARENTLY they are interactive! *Gasp* It's like the mythical "Answer Machine" that was predicted on paleo-future!

Now call me naive but I see a glaring solution here. Rather than having to wheel around this big fuck-off TV and VHS thing, I think it's time we did away with the whole thing, digitised the lot and put it on...yes you guessed it... moodle!
The benefits are obvious. No more lost/knackered out tapes, everyone can use the resource at once and download the video directly to the local computer before the lesson, the pupils can watch the video at home, etc etc, I don't even need to go on.
So erm.. onto the "how" bit. Well I'm happy to do it on one condition.
The school coughs up the money for the kit and I get to take it home and run it.
There, I've said it. Finally some money should change hands for a change.
If this is done that is a HUGE benefit for the school and a MASSIVE investment in the future. Will they stump up? Let's see...
The issue is this: At present the science department has a bunch of videos on VHS (Yes it IS 1985) and we have this really quaint cabinet that gets wheeled around. The kids laugh their heads off when we get this thing out and some of us get a nice retro feeling (embarrassment actually) in our stomachs.
The solution? Well erm...we have these bloody huge white boards in the front of every classroom. You might have seen them. Apparently they replaced blackboards some time in the future. And APPARENTLY they are interactive! *Gasp* It's like the mythical "Answer Machine" that was predicted on paleo-future!

Now call me naive but I see a glaring solution here. Rather than having to wheel around this big fuck-off TV and VHS thing, I think it's time we did away with the whole thing, digitised the lot and put it on...yes you guessed it... moodle!
The benefits are obvious. No more lost/knackered out tapes, everyone can use the resource at once and download the video directly to the local computer before the lesson, the pupils can watch the video at home, etc etc, I don't even need to go on.
So erm.. onto the "how" bit. Well I'm happy to do it on one condition.
The school coughs up the money for the kit and I get to take it home and run it.
There, I've said it. Finally some money should change hands for a change.
If this is done that is a HUGE benefit for the school and a MASSIVE investment in the future. Will they stump up? Let's see...
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Marking and the gradebook
In order to facilitate a useful and meaningful markbook on moodle I have found that I have had to change my marking tactic from an A-E grade to a 1-10 grade. This means that the marks fall more in line with the final test marks. The reason I say this is because the default marking numbers are out of 100 and if this is put into the markbook the pupils will have an unnaturally skewed mark, leaning very heavily towards classwork at the end of a unit. If perhaps we had 8 exercises of 10 marks then the end unit test of 30 marks then at least the pupils have a fair chance all roundánd the markbook doesn't look all funny if ya know what I mean
Major trouble with year 10 to year 10 cross course importing
Any ideas on how to resolve import issues from one live year 10 course to another would be greatly appreciated.
It's getting as far as zipping the file for export then stopping, Is starting to annoy me a bit now.
It's getting as far as zipping the file for export then stopping, Is starting to annoy me a bit now.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Marking workload and choice
It's 22:43 and I am STILL marking stuff, both on moodle and in books and I've realised a big issue here that, in my opinion will determine the success of a VLE.
I was talking to Brian earlier and he said that when a job is set on moodle, pupils need to be given CHOICE of whether to submit the job on moodle or in a book. I agreeed with him, but tonight after marking some moodle, some books, it seems that the moodle benefits are effectively negated by such a large number of book submissions. I find myself having to flip between the two to try and figure out who has submitted where and all the benefits of quick marking evaporate. In fact the whole thing has been bloody confusing and it's only because I am very aware of the system that I am putting up with it.
My conclusion from tonights all night marking bender is this
If we are to move onto a moodle work submission system, I think it must be made explicit that the pupils are to submit on moodle or die. I think that the pupils should be allowed writing up time and submission time in class and if they genuinely have no computer at home then some provision MUST be made by the school in the form of a computer suite for use at lunch times and break times that the pupils can access.
As long as this school continues to provide substandard computing facilities I wonder if a VLE is viable. I think that the fact that all the kids SHOULD have computers at home really makes online submission in principle at least, a doddle, but so far it hasn't done the job it was intended to do, which is to cut my marking load significantly.
I was talking to Brian earlier and he said that when a job is set on moodle, pupils need to be given CHOICE of whether to submit the job on moodle or in a book. I agreeed with him, but tonight after marking some moodle, some books, it seems that the moodle benefits are effectively negated by such a large number of book submissions. I find myself having to flip between the two to try and figure out who has submitted where and all the benefits of quick marking evaporate. In fact the whole thing has been bloody confusing and it's only because I am very aware of the system that I am putting up with it.
My conclusion from tonights all night marking bender is this
If we are to move onto a moodle work submission system, I think it must be made explicit that the pupils are to submit on moodle or die. I think that the pupils should be allowed writing up time and submission time in class and if they genuinely have no computer at home then some provision MUST be made by the school in the form of a computer suite for use at lunch times and break times that the pupils can access.
As long as this school continues to provide substandard computing facilities I wonder if a VLE is viable. I think that the fact that all the kids SHOULD have computers at home really makes online submission in principle at least, a doddle, but so far it hasn't done the job it was intended to do, which is to cut my marking load significantly.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Import problems
It's Sunday night and I'm trying to import files for the new 10D course I've created from the 10X course and it's getting as far as backing up the 10X files but dying thereafter. Have looked into privileges and nothing seems to be working
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