Monday, 10 March 2008

Minor change in naming convention on KS3 resources

This won't really affect anyone but me. I've just changed the naming convention on the KS3 resources starting in unit 7C. Instead of naming them by page number with title I have uploaded the resources with the sheet number.

This is a little easier for me to cope with the volume as Adobe PDF Reader can take in the text directly, and it saves me having to look for the page number, which may be different across a single worksheet (i.e. when a worksheet is 2 pages long)

The ability to reference the sheet with regards to the physical hard copy resources file is unaffected.

Edublogs - we're finally getting somewhere

Import complete - RSS to follow. Let's see what we can juice out of this baby then...

Sunday, 9 March 2008

edublogs importer - impressed I aint...

Not sure if you've tried to import a blogger blog into edublogs yet Ribas. I get as far as the import button, press it and bugger all happens. It counts down then doesn't actually DO anything.

Impressed I aint. So much potential but unless I can pull my blogger stuff over it just ain't happenin...

Current project - CSS and php - customisation

I've changed the skin of Los Alamos again - I was starting to get confused with the fact that it looked identical to the live site so I didn't really know where I was, or what I was doing! I'm easily confused!

The reason is because I now want to go a step further and start to customise the look and feel of the place, so it's out with the CSS and php.

Only issue is that my shiny new computer has Windows Vista pre-installed and Apache is a bitch to install on it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!