Sunday, 19 October 2008

New site development -

As I've now moved on from the old school I decided to start a new site, upon which to launch my latest e-learning development work.

Lessons learned from the last site include
  1. Need to keep a tighter rein on enrollments, perhaps having "windows" within which pupils can enroll. I'm not sure if it's purely an issue with moodle 1.8 but after all main enrolments were done I would regularly find spammers signed up with all sorts of porno names. Obviously this is a danger and so needs to be regulated on this roll-out.
  2. I don't think that I realised the potential of mashing up packages within moodle

    There's clearly a lot of potential for extending range of activities here, but the issue is in the integration of sign-on and ensuring protection of pupil data in the process

  3. I used stuff "straight out the box". This roll-out will see me working on greater customisation and more interactive plugins.

The new version of the site is a fresh start and is version 1.9.2

I've so far added the podcast plug-in and am looking to integrate mahara for the portfolio and drupal for the front-end.

Here's moodle and mahara in action, courtesy of the moodleman

Monday, 10 March 2008

Minor change in naming convention on KS3 resources

This won't really affect anyone but me. I've just changed the naming convention on the KS3 resources starting in unit 7C. Instead of naming them by page number with title I have uploaded the resources with the sheet number.

This is a little easier for me to cope with the volume as Adobe PDF Reader can take in the text directly, and it saves me having to look for the page number, which may be different across a single worksheet (i.e. when a worksheet is 2 pages long)

The ability to reference the sheet with regards to the physical hard copy resources file is unaffected.

Edublogs - we're finally getting somewhere

Import complete - RSS to follow. Let's see what we can juice out of this baby then...

Sunday, 9 March 2008

edublogs importer - impressed I aint...

Not sure if you've tried to import a blogger blog into edublogs yet Ribas. I get as far as the import button, press it and bugger all happens. It counts down then doesn't actually DO anything.

Impressed I aint. So much potential but unless I can pull my blogger stuff over it just ain't happenin...

Current project - CSS and php - customisation

I've changed the skin of Los Alamos again - I was starting to get confused with the fact that it looked identical to the live site so I didn't really know where I was, or what I was doing! I'm easily confused!

The reason is because I now want to go a step further and start to customise the look and feel of the place, so it's out with the CSS and php.

Only issue is that my shiny new computer has Windows Vista pre-installed and Apache is a bitch to install on it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Thursday, 28 February 2008

KS3 resources being moved from Los Alamos to live site

I have begun the process of making the KS3 resources live. This has so far taken me all night and I've completed the Year 7 resources. Any assistance labelling them much appreciated.

Wikispaces now being used in Drama dept

Rafa has helped set up the Drama wikispace.

English Dept join scienceheaven

The live moodle site has now expanded to include an English section.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Quizstar complete for KS3

KS3 quizzes for science now complete, and all classes made. Feel free to ask me to assign quizzes for your classes whenever you feel you need them.

Monday, 28 January 2008

pdf hosting

A useful site for you.

Scribd allows you to upload a pdf file and hosts it, so you can upload stuff for the non-moodle pupils e.g. ks3

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Quizstar for all KS3

On a non-moodle tip I have now put in accounts for all of Key Stage 3 to be able to log into quizstar and am working on putting all the end of unit multiple choice quizzes from the folder into quizstar for launch this week or next.

Basically this means that all KS3 will be able to take a multiple choice online quiz before every end of unit test to prepare.

All you need to do is send me an email before you're about to take a test and I'll assign it to the class. Voila!

So far all year 7 tests have been put in, working on year 8 and 9 this week and aim to have them all done by the end of the week.

Monday, 7 January 2008

eh? 48mb?! This doesn't make any sense!!

Am trying to work out why Brianscourse somehow equates to 48mb when backed up. No idea at present.

Major touble importing Brian's courses

Am currently having a lot of trouble backing up and importing Brians course from Los Alamos to main moodle site. The backup process is freezing after the zip stage and when I managed to get around this I can't upload the damn thing to the main site because it is huge - 48mb! Looks like I may have to go manual on this one...